10112 NW 106TH LOOP
Neighborhood Map

Property Details
This property is classified as Agricultural (Timberland - site index 80 to 89).
The lot is 269418 square feet, the land value of which is assessed at $7,815.00.
There is one building on the property.
It was built in 1994.
This property is valued at $71,339.00.
The legal description of this lot is: "SOUTH 1/2 OF THE EAST 681.19".
Registered Voters
Voter | Address | Gender | Age | Party | Status |
ASHE, JIMMIE LAWRENCE (UNI 108390540) | 10112 NW 106TH LOOP LAKE BUTLER, FL 32054 | male | 78 | Republican Party of Florida | Active |
ASHE, TAMMI LYNN (UNI 108395353) | 10112 NW 106TH LOOP LAKE BUTLER, FL 32054 | female | 61 | Republican Party of Florida | Active |
ASHE, NATHAN LEE (UNI 114256106) | 10112 NW 106TH LOOP LAKE BUTLER, FL 32054 | male | 36 | Republican Party of Florida | Active |
These listings are address-matched and not guaranteed to be correctly linked to a property.
Source: Florida Division of Elections
Learn more about Lake Butler through our Voter Demographics page.