3051 W 76 ST D-205

Hialeah, FL 33018

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Property Details

This property is classified as Residential (Condominiums).

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There is one building on the property.

It was built in 1991.

This property is valued at .

The legal description of this lot is: "VILLA VERANDA CONDO".

Registered Voters

Sanchez, Arsenio
(DAD 117261361)
3051 W 76Th St
APT 207
Hialeah, FL 33018
male63Republican Party of FloridaActive
Aviles, Miriam Marcelina
(DAD 119042557)
3051 W 76Th ST
APT D-103
Hialeah, FL 33018
female79No Party AffiliationActive
Perdomo, Rosenio
(DAD 119883122)
3051 W 76Th ST
APT 207
Hialeah, FL 33018
male88Republican Party of FloridaInactive
Mora, Jairo A
(DAD 120057386)
3051 W 76TH ST
APT 204
HIALEAH, FL 330183817
male73Florida Democratic PartyInactive
Nunez, Tanny Xavier
(DAD 120111647)
3051 W 76Th ST
APT 201-D
Hialeah, FL 33018
male32Republican Party of FloridaInactive
Fernandez, Joaquina
(DAD 121552600)
3051 W 76Th ST
APT 105
Hialeah, FL 33018
female71Florida Democratic PartyActive
Pons, Grissell
(DAD 123609482)
3051 W 76Th ST
APT 104
Hialeah, FL 33018
female58Republican Party of FloridaActive
Ocon, Alexandra Lorena
(DAD 123727355)
3051 W 76TH ST
APT 206
HIALEAH, FL 330183817
female32Florida Democratic PartyActive
Calero, Pedro
(DAD 125155650)
3051 W 76Th ST
APT 105
Hialeah, FL 33018
undeclared72No Party AffiliationActive
Chitolie, Sarah Jose
(DAD 125968465)
3051 W 76Th ST
APT D209
Hialeah, FL 33018
female40Republican Party of FloridaInactive
Chitolie, Elisha Dwight
(DAD 126063022)
3051 W 76Th ST
APT D209
Hialeah, FL 33018
male43Republican Party of FloridaInactive
Mendez Perez, Arlety
(DAD 126202639)
3051 W 76Th St
APT 206
Hialeah, FL 33018
female27Republican Party of FloridaActive
Nunez, Daniel Antonio
(DAD 126703130)
3051 W 76Th ST
APT 201D
Hialeah, FL 33018
male34Republican Party of FloridaInactive
Ponce Rosell, Maria Teresa
(DAD 127260704)
3051 W 76Th St
APT 107
Hialeah, FL 33018
female60Republican Party of FloridaActive
Santiago, Evelyn
(DAD 128107086)
3051 W 76Th ST
APT D102
Hialeah, FL 33018
female61No Party AffiliationActive
Alfonso, Giselle
(DAD 129108496)
3051 W 76Th ST
APT 203
Hialeah, FL 33018
female41Florida Democratic PartyActive
Angeles, Flor Idalia
(DAD 129799549)
3051 W 76Th ST
APT 201
Hialeah, FL 33018
female70Florida Democratic PartyActive
Wong Palma, Jorge Luis
(DAD 129799554)
3051 W 76Th ST
APT 201
Hialeah, FL 33018
male64No Party AffiliationActive
Beltrami, Cesare
(DAD 130372422)
3051 W 76Th ST
APT 203
Hialeah, FL 33018
male56Florida Democratic PartyActive
Garcia, Maritza
(DAD 130690794)
3051 W 76Th St
APT 103
Hialeah, FL 33018
female53Republican Party of FloridaActive

These listings are address-matched and not guaranteed to be correctly linked to a property.
Source: Florida Division of Elections

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Ownership Information

9764 NW 122 TER

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