Metrics on Registered Voters for Hialeah, Miami-Dade County

Total Voters: 151,503

The following are metrics on the current voter rolls for Hialeah in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Breakdowns by party, age, birthdate, and gender.

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Party Affiliation

🫏 Democratic36,969 (24.4%)
🐘 Republican62,440 (41.2%)
🗳️ Other Parties 2,735 (1.8%)
Unaffiliated 49,359 (32.6%)


👩 Female80,346 (53.0%)
👨 Male63,692 (42.0%)
👤 Unknown 7,465 (4.9%)


Gen ZMillennialsGen XBaby BoomersSilent GenerationGreatest Generation02.5k5k7.5k10k12.5k15k17.5k20k22.5k25k27.5k30k32.5k35k37.5k40k42.5k45k
Greatest Generation316 (0.2%)
Silent Generation19,783 (13.1%)
Baby Boomers43,347 (28.6%)
Gen X36,692 (24.2%)
Millennials30,892 (20.4%)
Gen Z20,473 (13.5%)

Astrological Sign

Capricorn12,981 (8.6%)
Aquarius11,640 (7.7%)
Pisces11,352 (7.5%)
Aries11,375 (7.5%)
Taurus11,663 (7.7%)
Gemini11,768 (7.8%)
Cancer12,321 (8.1%)
Leo13,413 (8.9%)
Virgo14,302 (9.4%)
Libra14,021 (9.3%)
Scorpio13,436 (8.9%)
Sagittarius13,231 (8.7%)

Common Last Names

RODRIGUEZ2,481 (1.638%)
GONZALEZ2,031 (1.341%)
HERNANDEZ1,528 (1.009%)
PEREZ1,461 (0.964%)
GARCIA1,369 (0.904%)
MARTINEZ905 (0.597%)
FERNANDEZ720 (0.475%)
DIAZ709 (0.468%)
LOPEZ640 (0.422%)
SANCHEZ442 (0.292%)

Common First Names

MARIA2,073 (1.368%)
JOSE1,299 (0.857%)
JORGE644 (0.425%)
JUAN564 (0.372%)
LUIS563 (0.372%)
CARLOS556 (0.367%)
ANA405 (0.267%)
PEDRO294 (0.194%)
ROBERTO251 (0.166%)
MANUEL222 (0.147%)

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