6106 LEON LN

Data available:

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Property Details

This property is classified as Residential (Single Family).

The lot is 164221 square feet, the land value of which is assessed at .

There is one building on the property.

It was built in 1981.

This property is valued at .

The legal description of this lot is: "COM AT NW SEC CORN THN S89*59'".

Sales and Assessment History

9 / 2011
Single Family
Book 3087, Page 1999

Registered Voters

Hanks, Emma Lou
(SAN 101883354)
6106 Leon LN
Pace, FL 32571
female58Republican Party of FloridaActive
Shaw, Kenneth C
(SAN 107570264)
6106 Leon LN
Pace, FL 32571
male68Republican Party of FloridaInactive
Shaw, Ima G
(SAN 107570265)
6106 Leon LN
Pace, FL 32571
female73Republican Party of FloridaInactive
Hanks, Grayson C
(SAN 112045193)
6106 Leon Ln
Pace, FL 32571
male64Republican Party of FloridaActive
Hanks, Julie Ann
(SAN 123672059)
6106 Leon LN
Pace, FL 32571
female25Republican Party of FloridaActive
Hanks, Diana Michelle
(SAN 124778722)
6106 Leon LN
Pace, FL 32571
female23Republican Party of FloridaActive

These listings are address-matched and not guaranteed to be correctly linked to a property.
Source: Florida Division of Elections

Learn more about Pace through our Voter Demographics page.


Ownership Information

6106 LEON LN
PACE, FL 32571

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