5160 GUY LN
PACE, FL 32571
Neighborhood Map
Property Details
This property is classified as Residential (Single Family).
The lot is 104544 square feet, the land value of which is assessed at .
There is one building on the property.
It was built in 2013.
This property is valued at .
The legal description of this lot is: "COMM AT TH SW COR OF SEC".
Sales and Assessment History
Date | Details |
4 / 2012 | Vacant Residential Book 3129, Page 741 |
10 / 2011 | Vacant Residential Book 3088, Page 2019 |
8 / 2010 | Vacant Residential Book 2997, Page 2012 |
Registered Voters
Voter | Address | Gender | Age | Party | Status |
Polhill-Guy, Tiffany Angel (SAN 104149789) | 5160 Guy LN Pace, FL 32571 | female | 40 | Republican Party of Florida | Active |
Guy, Jason Michael (SAN 107566614) | 5160 Guy Ln Pace, FL 32571 | male | 42 | Republican Party of Florida | Active |
Guy, Dylan Michael (SAN 120419903) | 5160 Guy LN Pace, FL 32571 | male | 30 | Republican Party of Florida | Active |
These listings are address-matched and not guaranteed to be correctly linked to a property.
Source: Florida Division of Elections
Learn more about Pace through our Voter Demographics page.