Neighborhood Map
Property Details
This property is classified as Institutional (Private schools and colleges).
There are 5 buildings on the property.
It was built in 1980.
This property is valued at .
The legal description of this lot is: "LEESBURG, N C LEE ESTATE N 275".
Registered Voters
Voter | Address | Gender | Age | Party | Status |
Salas, William (LAK 122686203) | 600 W Oak Terrace Dr Leesburg, FL 34748 | male | 48 | Florida Democratic Party | Inactive |
Bryant, William Alexander Heckman (LAK 125386764) | 600 W Oak Terrace Dr APT 40 Leesburg, FL 34748 | male | 29 | No Party Affiliation | Inactive |
Harding, Katherine (LAK 128343714) | 600 W Oak Terrace Dr Leesburg, FL 34748 | female | 36 | Independent Party of Florida | Inactive |
Marcus, Craig A (LAK 128948199) | 600 W Oak Terrace Dr Leesburg, FL 34748 | male | 42 | Republican Party of Florida | Active |
Watson, Fabiana Firmo (LAK 130889717) | 600 W Oak Terrace DR APT 29 Leesburg, FL 34748 | female | 43 | Republican Party of Florida | Active |
These listings are address-matched and not guaranteed to be correctly linked to a property.
Source: Florida Division of Elections
Learn more about Leesburg through our Voter Demographics page.