26815 SW 157 AVE
Unincorporated County, FL 33031
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Neighborhood Map
Property Details
This property is classified as Instruction (Counties (other than public schools, colleges, hospitals) including non-municipal government.).
The lot is 85378 square feet, the land value of which is assessed at .
There is one building on the property.
It was built in 1957.
This property is valued at .
The legal description of this lot is: "33 56 39 1.96 AC".
Registered Voters
No voter registration information found. Visit our search page to look up registered voters by name.
Learn more about Unincorporated County through our Voter Demographics page.
Adjacent Properties
- 26715 SW 157 AVE (North)
MIAMI-DADE COUNTY - 26715 SW 157 AVE (North)
MIAMI-DADE COUNTY - 26850 SW 154 AVE (East)
MIAMI-DADE COUNTY - 26850 SW 154 AVE (East)