FloridaParcels makes it easy to find information about properties on BONNIE CT N in Homosassa, Citrus County, Florida.
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Properties on BONNIE CT N
in Homosassa, Citrus County, Florida
The above are properties on BONNIE CT N in Homosassa, Citrus County.
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- No Address, , FL is a Residential property, classified as "Undefined - Reserved for Use by Department of Revenue" and owned by LAKE EMMA SOUND HOMEOWNERS ASS
- No Address, , FL is a Residential property, classified as "Undefined - Reserved for Use by Department of Revenue" and owned by LAKE EMMA SOUND HOMEOWNERS ASS
- No Address, , FL is a Residential property, classified as "Undefined - Reserved for Use by Department of Revenue" and owned by LAKE EMMA SOUND HOMEOWNERS ASS
- No Address, , FL is a Commercial property, classified as "Vacant Industrial" and owned by SMM DEVELOPMENT PROPERTIES LLC
- 1242 ANDERSON RD, COLEMAN, FL 33521 is a Residential property, classified as "Mobile Homes" and owned by CONIGLIO C JOHN P A