1020 N 19 AVE #1-15
Neighborhood Map
Property Details
This property is classified as Residential (Multi-family - 10 units or more).
The lot is 15883 square feet, the land value of which is assessed at .
There is one building on the property.
It was built in 1962.
This property is valued at .
The legal description of this lot is: "NORTH HOLLYWOOD 4-1 B".
Sales and Assessment History
Date | Details |
8 / 2021 | Multi-family - 10 units or more Number 117531727 |
2021 Assessment | TO LIFE REAL ESTATE LLC changed from |
Registered Voters
Voter | Address | Gender | Age | Party | Status |
Rogers, Josef M (BRO 101826009) | 1020 N 19th Ave Apt 15 Hollywood, FL 33020 | male | 71 | No Party Affiliation | Inactive |
Charles, Lashonda Denice (BRO 110234882) | 1020 N 19Th AVE APT 8 Hollywood, FL 33020 | female | 37 | Florida Democratic Party | Active |
Fassari, Juan Pablo (BRO 110296540) | 1020 N 19TH AVE 15 Hollywood, FL 33020 | male | 52 | No Party Affiliation | Active |
Webster, Joseph James (BRO 111922402) | 1020 N 19th Ave APT 15 Hollywood, FL 33020 | male | 62 | No Party Affiliation | Inactive |
Ali, Shameel (BRO 116569863) | 1020 N 19TH Ave 13 Hollywood, FL 330203530 | male | 87 | Florida Democratic Party | Inactive |
Washington, Shirley Ann (BRO 119737282) | 1020 N 19TH Ave APT 12 Hollywood, FL 33020 | female | 65 | Florida Democratic Party | Active |
Hernandez, Alex (BRO 123114012) | 1020 N 19TH Ave UNIT 11 Hollywood, FL 33020 | male | 46 | Florida Democratic Party | Inactive |
Mack, Isisiah Jotrice (BRO 123904516) | 1020 N 19Th Ave APT 12 Hollywood, FL 33020 | female | 44 | No Party Affiliation | Active |
Rosario, Gerardo J (BRO 125857932) | 1020 N 19th Ave APT 7 Hollywood, FL 33020 | male | 63 | Florida Democratic Party | Inactive |
Burney, Roderick (BRO 127351824) | 1020 N 19Th Ave Hollywood, FL 33020 | undeclared | 22 | No Party Affiliation | Inactive |
Washington, Willie Calvin (BRO 128036950) | 1020 N 19Th Ave APT 12 Hollywood, FL 33020 | male | 66 | Florida Democratic Party | Active |
Brown, Karlie Lee (BRO 128189770) | 1020 N 19th Ave APT 3 Hollywood, FL 33020 | male | 64 | Florida Democratic Party | Active |
Duku, Emmanuela (BRO 132038778) | 1020 N 19TH AVE APT 8 Hollywood, FL 33020 | female | 31 | Republican Party of Florida | Active |
These listings are address-matched and not guaranteed to be correctly linked to a property.
Source: Florida Division of Elections
Learn more about Hollywood through our Voter Demographics page.
Ownership Information
21023 NE 32 AVE
Adjacent Properties
- 1918 HAYES ST#1-2 (West)