Condominium Lookup

Individual, privately-held units that share a building or lot in common ownership.

Property IDAddressOwner NameOwner Address
15631-212-002 1212 SW 14TH AVE 1032 SW 14TH AVE PRIMARY OAKBR 1141 SHADY LANE
AUSTIN, TX 78721
15631-212-005 1212 SW 14TH AVE PALM BEACH HOMES TRUST LLC 12612 4TH ISLE
HUDSON, FL 34667
15631-212-003 1212 SW 14TH AVE 1032 SW 14TH AVE PRIMARY OAKBR 1141 SHADY LANE
AUSTIN, TX 78721
15631-212-001 1212 SW 14TH AVE 1032 SW 14TH AVE PRIMARY OAKBR 1141 SHADY LANE
AUSTIN, TX 78721
15631-212-004 1212 SW 14TH AVE 1032 SW 14TH AVE PRIMARY OAKBR 1141 SHADY LANE
AUSTIN, TX 78721
15631-212-006 1212 SW 14TH AVE 1032 SW 14TH AVE PRIMARY OAKBR 1141 SHADY LANE
AUSTIN, TX 78721

Disclaimer: While attempts to identify all related condominium properties, this list may not reflect the entirety of a development.